Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Our Little Baby Bird...

This past weekend was quite eventful at the Horton house. Mattie's cousins Tyler & Liam, and her Aunt Tiffany, came up to Stillwater and stayed the weekend with us. We had a great time and took them all to the Oklahoma Wondertorium Children's Museum. The boys loved it! They played in the treehouse, at the water tables, built a fort with blocks and lots of other things. George and I cannot wait to take little Mattie when she is old enough to play. She really seemed to enjoy herself and liked watching all the kids run around and play. She really is quite observant. She's starting to get upset when one of us leaves the room and notices all the comings and goings of the day. Today, Mattie and I were hanging out in the front room by the Christmas tree waiting for George to come home from tutoring. When he got home she was so excited, her face just lit up! She wanted him to carry her around, it was very cute.

We had lots of adventures with the boys while they were up. Saturday they helped me cook breakfast and dinner. Tyler & Liam really liked making pizzas and did a great job of putting the toppings on. Sunday they got to go to church with us, too.
Tyler painting

Liam at the water station
Little cutie pie
Hanging with Aunt Tiffany
All smiles!

The weekend was wonderful and we really enjoyed getting to see Tiff and the boys. Sunday night things definitely turned for the worse. We put Mattie down and at midnight she woke up with a stomach virus. George and I were up pretty much the entire night cleaning up after her and praying it would pass quickly. We took her to the doctor on Monday and by that evening she was feeling back to normal. I stayed home with her Tuesday so she wouldn't pass the virus along to Eleri's son, Henry. This was definitely not something we wanted to 'share' with others. :)

Lately, George and I have noticed that Mattie is spying on us when we're eating. She longingly gazes at us when we draw our utensils into our mouths. It is so cute. Tonight, I was eating some chicken noodle soup and she was staring at me so hard. It's like she was saying to me, "Give me a bite of that! I haven't eaten in weeks!" I cleaned my spoon and brought it to her mouth to see what she would do and she dropped her jaw so far just to get ready for it! So, we decided that it was probably time to give her some rice cereal. We got the high chair out and sat her down. She was so proud of herself sitting up. I got her cereal ready and gave her a bite. She was so ready for it! Just like a little baby bird waiting for her worm. It cracked us up how big she was acting and we could really tell she wanted to eat just like we were eating. So much fun. We got it on video and thought you might like to see, too :)

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