Monday, March 12, 2012

8 Months with Mattie!

Mattie turned 8 months old last weekend and we can't believe it. She is getting so big. Her personality is really starting to come out, too. She is very vocal and is starting to have a little separation anxiety. Now, when she is frustrated or upset, she cries "Mamamamama!" When she is excited or giddy, she says "Dadadadada!" I think this girl already has us figured out. :)

This past weekend, we went home to visit family. My sister was in the hospital and Tyler had a soccer game on Saturday. Unfortunately we didn't get to take Mattie to see Tiffany since we are trying to keep her healthy after her respiratory issues a few weeks ago. On Saturday we all went to lunch after Tyler's soccer game to Texas Roadhouse. My family thought it would be funny to make me ride the saddle since we had not eaten together since my birthday. Mattie was NOT a fan of this. Whenever the employees came over to cheer and clap, she was barely holding it together. Then they let out a loud "Yeehaw!!" and she lost it. She cried and cried and clung to me. I felt so bad for her. It really scared her and upset her. Then someone else next to us had a birthday and it was pretty much over after that! Luckily, we were finishing up lunch so we finished up and left and Mattie was back to her old self (after a nap of course).

She is army crawling all over the place and we think she'll be "off the ground" for good any day now. She can pretty much get to the places she wants to be by scooting, rolling or dragging herself around. George and I have been amazed at how many 'plank holds' she's been able to do. She will hold her arms stiff and push her whole body off the ground except for her feet. She's trying to figure out everything and in the process doing some really difficult exercise!

Eleri captured this great video of Mattie playing last week and we thought you would enjoy it. In the beginning she grabs her hoodie and 'flies'. She is just so precious!

We hope you have a great week and are comforted by these words from Philippians as you get going this Monday.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Phil. 4:6-7

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